
Executing Your Dental Practice Marketing

September 11, 2024
Executing Your Dental Practice Marketing

Essential Steps for Success from Marketing Experts

Opening a dental practice is thrilling, but it comes with many challenges, from choosing the right location to attracting your first patients. With so much at stake, how can you ensure your practice stands out in a crowded market? The key lies in strategic partnerships and a well-crafted marketing plan & branding strategy. Curate Studios spoke with talented industry partners to discuss how dentists can build a successful practice by aligning their goals with targeted marketing and creating a brand that resonates inside and outside the office.

Don’t Wait to Execute Your Marketing Plan 

The Importance of Early Action 

Ingrid Snow, VP of Practice Marketing, Ai Healthcare Marketing

When starting a new dental practice, many dentists focus heavily on setting up their physical space, purchasing equipment, and hiring staff. However, one critical aspect that should not be overlooked is the marketing strategy. Ingrid Snow, a seasoned marketing professional of twenty years and extensive experience in the dental industry, emphasizes the importance of planning and executing a marketing strategy as early as possible.

Early Planning: A Key Strategy for Dental Practices

Early planning is crucial for the success of any dental practice, and Ingrid advises that dentists begin working on their marketing strategy at least six months before their anticipated opening. This lead time allows for a well-coordinated effort among designers, contractors, and equipment providers, all getting busier as the launch date approaches.

"A six-month lead time is ideal because it ensures that everything is in place before the practice opens," says Ingrid. "As we get closer to the target date, everyone involved gets busier, which can cause delays. Having the marketing plan completed and ready to launch as soon as possible is key."

However, Ingrid acknowledges that only some dentists will have this luxury, especially if they are still in the early stages of securing a location or finalizing a practice name. In such cases, she advises starting the marketing process as soon as these foundational elements are in place.

Customization and Client Ownership: Essential Elements of a Strong Marketing Strategy

One of the critical differentiators of Ai Healthcare Marketing’s approach is the emphasis on customization and client ownership. "Everything we do is custom, and the client has full ownership and rights, including websites," explains Ingrid. "Our clients own their entire site, so if they transition away from us, they aren't starting over. This is crucial because many companies use proprietary platforms, which can cause problems if a client wants to leave."

Ai Healthcare Marketing is a one-source provider, offering services ranging from branding and website design to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media management, and online advertising. "We have professional copywriters who interview our clients and write custom content for their websites. Custom content is king, and it's essential for effective SEO." Ingrid emphasizes. "We spend a lot of time learning about our clients' goals, preferences, and strategies to ensure everything is tailored to their needs."

Investing Wisely in Marketing: The Benefits of Professional Design 

Investing Wisely in Marketing: The Benefits of Professional Design 

For dentists starting a practice with a tight budget, Ingrid advises against cutting corners on marketing. "When starting a practice, it's essential to be aggressive with your marketing, even if the budget is tight," she advises. "You're entering a competitive environment where other doctors might have hundreds of reviews and well-established SEO."

While it's tempting to save money by using a DIY service or hiring a family member to create a website, Ingrid warns that these options often fall short in terms of SEO and overall effectiveness. "In the long run, cutting corners usually means you’ll end up paying more because you’ll have to redo everything," she says.

"Custom content and professional design are critical for a website that will grow with your practice and compete effectively online."

Ensuring Patient Satisfaction and Retention: The Overlooked Importance of the Front Desk 

Executing Your Dental Practice Marketing

While marketing is crucial, Ingrid also highlights the importance of a well-run front desk.

"The front desk can make or break a practice because it's the first point of contact for patients," she explains. "If the phones aren’t answered properly, there’s no one to bill insurance or schedule appointments. Many online reviews will praise a provider’s clinical skills but say they won’t return because of poor front desk service."

Ensuring that the front desk is efficient and welcoming is as important as any other aspect of marketing. It’s the gateway to patient satisfaction and retention; neglecting it can undermine even the best marketing efforts.

Timing and Professionalism: Key Ingredients for Success 

According to Ingrid, the timing of when to start thinking about marketing is critical. She advises dentists to begin once they have a location or practice name. It can result in rushed work and missed opportunities to build a solid online presence before opening day. 

"We often get clients who are opening in a month and haven't thought about marketing yet," says Ingrid. "While Ai Healthcare Marketing can create a landing page quickly, the full website and branding take time. Ideally, we'd love six months' lead time, but that’s not always possible. The key is to hire a professional with experience in the dental industry—it’ll save money in the long run."

"Ai Healthcare Marketing’s strength lies in customization and customer service," says Ingrid. "We aim to be a one-source marketing provider for the life of the practice. The depth of customization we offer, from the initial interviews to the final design, sets us apart. We invest time in understanding the client's philosophy, personality, and values, which are all reflected in the marketing we provide."

Building a Successful Dental Practice 

Tailored Marketing Plan 

Nicole Toudouze, CEO & Founder, Transcendental Agency

Starting a new dental practice or acquiring an existing one is a significant endeavor that requires careful planning and the proper support. Working with a marketing firm specializing in dental practices is one of the key decisions a practice owner or dental group can make to effectively navigate this process, resulting in bespoke strategies that help them meet their business objectives.

The Value of Trusted Experts: Forming Relationships with Vendors 

Executing Your Dental Practice Marketing

Nicole emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with qualified talent when opening or acquiring a dental practice.

"The first step is to surround yourself with experts that you can trust—those who are vetted by other practice owners," she advises.

"Getting multiple vendors and solutions is crucial, not just for price comparison but to ensure an alignment of values and mission. Just as not every patient is suited for every practice, not every practice is a good fit for every marketing company or vendor."

Forming genuine relationships with vendors and establishing trust is vital to a successful partnership. A partnership built on expertise and faith allows practice owners to focus on their core responsibilities while relying on experts to guide them in areas where they may lack experience.

Transparency and Teamwork : The Core of Effective Marketing 

“At the heart of our philosophy are two key differentiators: transparency and strategy," says Nicole. "We showcase all the data, so our practices know exactly how we're impacting their bottom line."

With client transparency and ensuring that all parties are on the same page, Transcendental can collaborate with practices to create targeted brand strategies, stories, and objectives. "Whether a practice wants to build emergency volume, be known as the most credible implant dentist in the area, or focus on sedation dentistry, each strategy is different," she explains.

"We also focus on brand identity, ensuring that the practice's story is effectively communicated to the community, prospective patients, and vendors."

Budget for Marketing Success: Strategic Allocation 

Budgeting for marketing can be challenging for many dentists, especially when starting with limited capital. Nicole advises practice owners to approach their marketing budget strategically, reverse-engineering it from their financial goals. "You should set a marketing budget based on your business plan and financial goals before you start vetting marketing companies," she explains. "For example, if you aim to hit a million in collections by the end of year one, you might allocate 5-7% of your working capital to marketing. Then, go to the marketing companies with that budget and let them create a plan that fits your needs. Too often, dentists think about it the other way around,” Nicole warns. Many practice owners will not understand how much to invest in marketing before selecting their partner.

Clear Vision: Define Your “Why” by Understanding Your Business Model and Goals 

Executing Your Dental Practice Marketing

Before diving into the marketing process, Nicole stresses the importance of having a clear vision for the practice.

"Many practice owners don’t have a strong understanding of their 'why' when they start," she says. "It's crucial to know what you want the community to say about your practice and what you want to bring to the community that will make you stand out."

Without a clear vision, even the best marketing efforts can fall short. "You can't create a marketing plan without a business plan," Nicole insists. "You need to know your business model, financial goals, and growth objectives so that we can help you achieve them."

Get Ahead by Planning Ahead: When to Reach Out to a Marketing Partner

Creating a marketing strategy should be thorough and begin before a practice opens its doors. "We think the best time to reach out to a marketing partner is when you sign a letter of intent (LOI) for your space," says Nicole. "We analyze the entire market, including the saturation of specialties, patient demographics, online activity, and price sensitivity. This analysis informs our strategy and sets realistic expectations for the practice owner."

"We ask clients to complete in-depth surveys," she notes. "We want to understand what emotions you want your patients to feel, what kind of services you offer, and what type of patients you aim to attract."

Following this, Transcendental lays out an effective plan of action by creating a comprehensive timeline for the next year, covering everything from website development and brand building to media campaigns and strategy.

A Comprehensive, Integrated Marketing Approach: Multi-Format Programs for Tangible Results 

"We believe in multi-format programs that target a specific audience with a defined brand message across various channels," Nicole explains. "This includes organic search, paid search, social media management, direct mail, community initiatives, and more. Our goal is to create synergy across these channels to produce tangible results." With Transcendental's cohesive approach, practices and DSOs don't get the cookie-cutter solutions offered by many marketing firms; they get a strategy designed just for them.

Executing Your Dental Practice Marketing

Most Dental Practitioners know that building a successful, independent practice requires more than just clinical expertise. Partnering with trusted Marketing and branding professionals ensures that your marketing efforts are strategic, customized, and aligned with your practice’s goals. Prioritize early planning, invest in a strong brand identity, and trust your experts to guide you in navigating the competitive landscape. These steps will position your practice for long-term growth and success.


Nicole Toudouze, CEO & Founder  

Transcendental Agency

Office: 210-910-4212

Email: ntoudouze@transcendentalagency.com


Ingrid Snow, VP of Practice Marketing

Ai Healthcare Marketing

Office: 800-405-1434 x321

Email: ingrid@aihealthcaremarketing.com


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